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What Keeps Revival Back?

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This verse contains a challenge and a wonderful promise. God speaks directly to his people, not the gentiles but to the believers. "If my people return to me and humble themselves, they will receive forgiveness of sin." God sees the sin and if people repent of their sin, God will heal their land. This text is an inspiration to every believer. The challenge is that the world is in our hands. If we repent and get right with God, our land will be healed and restored. We are not to point to the sin of other people but to ourselves and if we repent the Lord will heal our land. God requires that we humble ourselves. This word was said to Solomon where God said, "If my people will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, I will heal the land." Things can be turned around if people have an ear to hear what God says.
Erlo Stegen

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