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When the Spirit is Poured Out

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Here the Lord says that He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh in the last days. That includes everyone, black and white, all nations. We live in an evil time. It s as if the devil is let loose, and pours out his filth on everyone. It s as if the spirit of immorality and prostitution is let loose. It s like Sodom and Gomorrah. But even though things are like that, it s wonderful that God promises that He will pour out His Spirit on all flesh. And it continues to say that your sons and daughters will prophesy. There are things in the Bible which confuse people. Like the word prophecy is misinterpreted as being like fortune telling, saying who made your child sick, or who cast a spell on you, etc. But that s not prophecy; that is occultism. Prophecy is to publicly expound the Word of God. So you need to discern the difference between prophecy and fortune telling.
Erlo Stegen

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