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The Grace of God in this Present Age

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We preachers should revive each other so that the Gospel can go forth. Islamists like Gadaffi had said that they will take Europe simply by having more children, while Africa will become Islamic. We Christians should stop betray the Lord like Judas. We must remember who the real enemy, satan is. We find the grace of God first mentioned in the time of Noah, in Gen 6:8, "Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord". Way back then Noah found grace in God s eyes. Jesus said in the last days will be a time like the time of Noah. There was sexual immorality and flirting around between boys and girls. And it s the same today. It reminds one of the large ship built in Britain, the Titanic. After the construction of that ship, which was at that time the largest ship of its time, one of the builders commented that even God cannot sink it. Many booked for its maiden voyage. It traveled through an area full of icebergs, struck one and sank. Most people on the Titanic drowned. At the moment when it struck the iceberg there was a party going on, but when the news spread that it had struck an iceberg, they changed the music to "nearer my God to Thee".
Erlo Stegen

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