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Living in the Light

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Jesus came to remove our sins. He said that if we hide our transgressions we will not prosper, but the one that confesses and forsakes his sin will obtain mercy. It is not sufficient to confess your sin and not forsake it. You must confess and forsake it. In the sight of God, sin is a terrible thing. Jesus suffered and died because of our sins. He took them into Himself. Even God turned away from Him and Jesus cried out, My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? Matt 27:46 . Sin is terrible, and God Who is absolutely holy has no fellowship with sin. He speaks very harsh words regarding sin, like, the wages of sin is death Rom 6:23 . If you do not part from your sins, you will die. Peter writes that the one who has confessed his sins and goes back again is like a dog that vomits and eats it again 2Pet 2:22 . The Bible says that a person who repents and goes back to his sin, it s better that he never repented 2Pet 2:20-21; Heb 6:4-6 . It is terrible to go back to your sin after confessing it.
Erlo Stegen

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