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To Know God

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Usually engagement is a time of joy and happiness. What does it mean to get engaged? In the Bible it s to be betrothed, "a deed with a promise of marriage". According to the law it is a contract between a man and a woman to get married in the future. The greatest engagement ever between two parties is between Jesus Christ and you. He says, "I will betroth you to Me forever". There cannot be engagement if the one party says yes and the other no both have to agree. God proposes to you, that He wants to be engaged to you. And this engagement is forever, it has no end. How can you say no to that proposal? In fact, if you don t agree to that engagement, it will be to your damnation in hell forever. And God says that He wants to get engaged to you now. Do you have the ring of Jesus on your finger?
Erlo Stegen

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