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Your understanding of the Christian Life, and especially your prayer life, will be challenged and revolutionized by this message. You will never hear this text again without remembering this powerful exposition of God's Word. From Matthew 18:19-20. What does it mean to pray live gather "in Jesus' name"? In this sermon, we look at what it truly means to be in unity with Christ and his Body. We find that there are five different groups in the organized church:1 Those who have met the "forgiving Christ." That is, they have "accepted Jesus" primarily to escape hell, suffering, and punishment. 2 Those who have met the "utilitarian Christ." That is, they have found that God can help them get what they need -- their whole interest in Christianity is that they should be taken care of by faith. 3 Those who have met the "status-giving Christ." These have joined the Church because they wanted fellowship and to be around the people. Position within the group is also typically very important within this group, and any achievement is hailed as part of the "glory of God."4 Those who have met the "emotion-satisfying Christ." Their whole purpose in Christianity and religion is to satisfy their emotional needs. They look for everything that will make them laugh, cry, or both.5 Those "who have met the Holy God and the Sovereign Christ." They have seen their terrible sinfulness and have known forgiveness, their prayers have been answered, they have found status as God's Children, and they have been filled with the Joy of God. But in addition to all this, this group is living only for God's glory and to walk according to the Cross. Only this fifth group is the true Church of God. Any attempt to revive or unite all five groups will fail, but the fifth group can truly be one and bring glory to God.
Paris Reidhead

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