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The Knowledge of God

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Paul Washer begins this conference address by saying that the most frightening thing he knows is to teach a group of people on the attributes of God. As Jeremiah says, it is Thus saith THE LORD - not men - regarding what is essential in life; and what is essential is to know and to understand God. It is what we were created for. This is not a question of holding sound doctrine and orthodox truth. I want more than truth, he pleads; I want the REALITY of those truths in my life; deeply rooted, and springing forth into fruit unto the glory of God. This issue is not about doctrine, it is about the person of God; and in order to grow in sanctification, in zeal, in heart-felt emotion and love, we MUST have this personal knowledge of God; it is the source and motivation for all these things. The purpose of all truth is to bring us to the feet of Christ; and from there to the feet of everyone else, as servants; our boasting will then be not in what we know, but rather in what God is. 26 minutes .
Paul Washer

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