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The Power of Sin

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Pastor Hession reveals that this chapter of Romans is the charter for the freedom of the saints. First the dominion of sin is the guilt of sin which is the same as the power of sin, sin has power over us when we feel the guilt that comes with it, and the passage of time does nothing to releave the power of sin over us to make us feel condemned. Secondly to be under the Law means that we are trying to please God by trying to keep the moral Law which cannot be done thus the law is the power of sin, as we try and keep the law and fail the guilt , or power, of sin increases on us, we thus end up feeling so condemned that we think that bit of extra sin cannot make a bad situation worse. Thirdly though despite all this we are under grace, not the dominion of sin, neither the law but grace! The grace of God is shown in that even though we deserve Hell He gives us love and mercy. Finally to reckon ourselves dead to sin means to realise sin has no more power to condemn us because of the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross of calvary.
Roy Hession

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