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The Glory Of God - Part 2

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This message was delivered on 03 01 1966. The end of all of God's ways is His glory. It does not always look like this to man, but God is working all things for His glory. We see this in the death of Lazarus. God was in total control of this situation, and the end was that God was glorified in Lazarus being raised from the dead. The end of God's ways and works is glory!! It doesn't always look that way. When God takes anything in hand, the end is going to be His glory. John 11 contains main factors of His ways and works. Incarnation - God becoming flesh. The method of God in redemption. The mystery of God's ways. Providence . The farsightedness of God. We will only reach God's end only on the pathway of brokeness. True love will only come out of travail. We will only gain through loss. We will not gain anything of value unless it costs us something. The end of all God's ways is glory. There has got to be the basic and utter committal to the Lord. We shall never get beyond the point that there is no more battle for the revelation of the Lord. We must have the attitude of complete committal. Does the Lord have the mastery of your life? Is the Lord glorified in your life? Your job? Your home? Every aspect of your life? There is a sifting coming in the end. "Judgement must begin at the House of God." If your priority in life is the glory of God, then God will bring you into the good of it. God's attitude to humanity at it's best is non-committal. The natural life will not get you through. Only that which is born of God.
T. Austin Sparks

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