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The Love of God, Part 2

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It's at this time of the year that we are very much aware of the great truth of John 3:16 that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. The real story of Christmas is the story of a loving God. The Bible says God is love. It is consistent with God's nature to love.And that wonderful truth is unique to Christianity. The reason it is unique to Christianity is because Christianity is the only true religion in the world therefore it is the only religion that reflects the true God. And the author of all other religions in the world is Satan who has no comprehension of love, no capacity to love and so that which he spawns by way of religion is void of love. The false gods of the world's religions are not known for their love. They are fearsome, angry, selfish, threatening deities who must be constantly appeased or their temperamental character will motivate them to inflict pain, torture and even death on their subjects. When Christians say God is love, they are announcing something that is unique to their faith. And never is God's love more evident than in the gift of Jesus Christ. And so we have at this season been talking about the love of God...
Pastor John MacArthur
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