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Granting Forgiveness

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When it comes to following the example of Christ, maybe the hardest thing were called to do as believers is forgive each other. No matter how long you love and serve the Lord, it will always be a struggle to set aside and forgive the wrongs that others do to you. Its a natural inclination to want other people to face the consequences of their actions--especially when their actions are against you. But God's Word is clear about how hypocritical that inclination is. No matter how deeply someone has wronged you, it cant compare to your sin against God, or the flood of forgiveness Hes poured out on you. While forgiving others is one of the hardest thing were called to do, its also the most Christ-like. Grab you Bible and join me now as John MacArthur looks at what Christ taught His disciples about the forgiveness they needed to show one another. As youll see, it wasnt easy for them, either... visit
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