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The Substituted Servant, Pt 1

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We are in a study of Isaiah 53 and I would invite you to turn to Isaiah 53 at this time, this great chapter is in many ways the heart of the Old Testament. The name Isaiah means salvation of the Lord. Isaiah's prophecy of 66 chapters, interestingly enough, is divided the same way the Bible is divided. The Bible has 39 books in the Old Testament, 27 books in the New and Isaiah has 39 books in the first half and 27 in the second half.Isaiah is the highest form and quality of Hebrew poetry in existence. The prophecy of Isaiah is the greatest of the major prophets and contains more content than all the minor prophets combined. It should be said that if the New Testament had been lost and all we had was an account of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there would be enough explanation and theology in Isaiah 53 to lead a sinner to full salvation. It explains the death and resurrection and exaltation of Christ. This fifty-third chapter is the Holy of Holies of the book of Isaiah. It is amazing, it is inexhaustible, and we have been saying that all along. . . .
Pastor John MacArthur
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