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The Sword of the Spirit

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In Ephesians chapter 6, we’re looking at the armor of God, the believer’s armor laid out for us by the Holy Spirit through the pen of the Apostle Paul. Paul has given all kinds of very foundational and important instruction in this letter to the Ephesians, instruction which has to do with living the Christian life, walking the worthy walk, as he speaks of it in chapter 4 which begins the practical section of this great epistle, the first three chapters being doctrinal. And he has laid out all kinds of things about behavior and how we are to conduct our lives and how we are to walk in the Spirit and manifest the power of the Spirit in every relationship.And then there comes this necessary statement in verse 10 that to live this way and walk this way is going to demand strength. Finally verse 10 says of Ephesians 6, “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” You’re not going to be able to do this on your own. You’re not going to be able to live in a way that honors God, to walk a worthy walk, to experience the fullness of the Spirit and the blessing that comes with that. Not going to be able to leave behind you the former things of your life and walk in newness of life easily. Not going to be able to grow, you’re not going to be able to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, to speak truth, to be one in the body of Christ...all the things that he’s been talking about in your own strength. This is something that requires the strength of the Lord.
Pastor John MacArthur
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