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Jesus Walks on Water

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For this morning, we come to the final section in the sixth chapter of Mark's gospel, the last section beginning in verse 45 and running to the end of the chapter. As you know, we're endeavoring to move through Mark at a little more rapid rate than we have some of the other gospels through the years. That is consistent, I think, with Mark's intent. His favorite word is the word 'immediately,' so in due respect to the Holy Spirit who inspired Mark to use 'immediately' repeatedly, we are trying to be rather immediate in the way we move through Mark. We want to do that but not by sacrificing any of the truth, not by sacrificing the message or anything the Holy Spirit has intended for us. It's a delight and a joy for us to go through this wonderful history of the Son of God. Mark launches his gospel by saying, 'This is the beginning of the gospel of God's Son,' and that's what it's about. Everything in it is designed to give us all the evidence we could possibly need to prove that Jesus is God in human flesh, God the Son, so that every paragraph directs its attention at the person of Jesus Christ. That is consistent with all of the gospels and that certainly is Mark's great intention that we would see Christ in all His majesty and glory...
Pastor John MacArthur
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