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Extraordinary Calling, Part 1

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this morning I want you to open the Word of God to Mark chapter 6...Mark chapter 6. For you that are visiting with us, we're working our way through the gospel of Mark and having such a wonderful time doing it. Every Sunday morning when we come together we spend time with our Lord Jesus as He is the theme of every paragraph. How enriching and wonderful it is.And this morning we come to a section that begins in verse 7 of chapter 6...Mark chapter 6 and verse 7. It has to do with the calling of the Twelve, or the sending of the Twelve really on a sort of a short-term internship mission. It marks a very, very significant transition point in the life of our Lord and is also highly instructive to all who minister the gospel. God's timing is always perfect. His providence never misses. And here we are at the beginning of a Shepherds Conference and at a text that is most applicable to those who minister the Word of God and the gospel of Christ. We will look at this text both this morning on the front end, and next Sunday we'll complete a look at it. It's really a very, very important text and I want those of you, in particular, who minister to bear the wonderful implications and fruit of its riches.Now just a word before I read it to you. Mark loves I guess what we've been calling sandwiches, a story with two sides and something else in the middle. We have seen that already just in the past chapter in the case of starting out with the story of Jairus, ending up with the resurrection of Jairus' daughter from the dead, but in the middle the wonderful account of Jesus healing the woman with the issue of blood...
Pastor John MacArthur
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Pastor John MacArthur
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