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Eschatology, #3

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are in the middle of a study of eschatology, focusing on Israel. We are at the beginning of the bigger study of eschatology, but kind of in the middle of studying the role that Israel plays in eschatology. If you wonder what eschatology is, that is a long word, it basically means the study of last things, from the Greek word eschatonwhich means last things. What does the Bible say about the end of the world? What does the Bible say about the end of history? What has God planned for the end?And what I've been saying to you is that it matters greatly to God how redemptive history ends because the whole purpose of it is bound up in how it ends. The reason there is a created universe, the reason there is humanity, the reason there is a purpose unfolding in redeeming sinners, they're all focused in one direction and that is toward the great consummation, the great end in which God will be glorified. God is moving everything sovereignly to His own purposed, glorious end. And what is wonderful for us is that He has revealed so much about it in the Bible. There is so much that we can know about the end.The book of Revelation, as we mentioned this morning, tells us the most. That's why we wanted you to pick up a free copy of the book, Because The Time is Near, so that you would have your own copy, it would help you to understand the wonderful truths of the end laid out in the book of Revelation. And we're going to go through those elements of the end that are revealed in Scripture as the weeks go by...
Pastor John MacArthur
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Pastor John MacArthur
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