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The Spirit-Filled Family

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Where do you turn when your family is in trouble? Some confide in a friend; others call a marriage “expert,” like a pastor or counselor. Many people in the world consult a psychologist, only to come away with theories and five-step plans; or more commonly, they call a psychiatrist and get themselves a prescription. But where does God's Word fit into the equation?Sadly, many Christian couples venture into marriage with a weak commitment to Scripture. So when trouble comes knocking, the Bible is often the last place they go for help.If that's your story, take heart…there's hope. You'll find everything you need for life and godliness in God's Word (2 Peter 1:3). That means the Bible is our only source for a godly life, marriage, and family. It's not hidden, mysterious, or difficult to understand. And if you are filled with the Spirit of God, all of its wisdom is open and available to you—you can put it into practice today.That's God's first word on the family, according to John MacArthur . . .
Pastor John MacArthur
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