Preached on May 21st 2009 at the Moody Pastor's Conference in Chicago.This is a privilege for me again to be at a Moody Pastors' Conference. It's been a few years. Through the years now and then I've had the opportunity to come here. The first Pastors' Conference I ever attended, I attended here at Moody, many, many years ago, I was a very young pastor and I needed some refreshment and I took the train to Chicago with a friend because I wanted to do some work and do some writing, and if I figured if I had a prolonged period of time I could do that. I got here, snuck in the back and I actually had a Micky Mouse T-shirt on, I'm loyal to Southern California, you know, Disneyland. So I had a Micky Mouse T-shirt on because I was going to bail out and go back and catch a train. And somehow, Dr. Sweeting called on me and I may be the only person certainly in his tenure who led the Pastors' Conference in prayer in a Mickey Mouse T-shirt. So one of my memories from my wonderful days at Moody Bible Institute.I don't really need to preach a sermon to you. I really don't want to do that, I'm not going to do that. I just want to talk to you a little bit from my heart, if I can. I want this more to be just a personal time. I want to let my own heart respond to the prompting, I trust, of the Lord as we think about some things.My favorite people on the planet are pastors. I love pastors. I think I understand you. I've been at this a long time. I grew up in a Pastor's family, my dad was a pastor my whole life. He preached until he was 90 years, went to heaven a few years ago at 91...