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A Tale of Two Sons (Prodigal)

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Be sure to check out the Video...This is the sermon that launched the book 'A Tale of Two Sons' by John MacArthur. Posted on SermonAudio with Permission from VCY America (Ingrid Schlueter).One of the most familiar, best-loved stories of the Bible is also one of the most misunderstood and poorly taught. There's more drama, raw emotion, and profound meaning to the parable of the prodigal son than most people realize.In this sermon, John takes you back in time to Jesus' masterful telling of the penetrating story, helping you hear, understand, and respond to it the same way His original listeners did. Along the way, John restores the brilliance of the parable, giving you engrossing cultural and historical background, and unveiling a shocking, surprise ending.This sermon takes you inside God's tender heart for sinners, and spurs you to deeper study of His Word as you see new richness unfold from even this most familiar passage.To order a tape, CD or DVD of this sermon, either:Call:1- 800-729-9829or Write to:VCY Tape Ministry3434 W. Kilbourn AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53208VCY's website: hear a testimony of a Jehovah's Witness being saved with the Parable of the Prodigal Son as the background text, go here: Washer also spoke at a VCY Rally here: by Grace Community Church in San Antonio, TX:www.gccsatx.comTo easily link to this sermon, use:
Pastor John MacArthur
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Pastor John MacArthur
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