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Idolatry of Mary Worship

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Tonight, as was made clear this morning, we are going to be looking at the subject of the idolatry of worshiping Mary. And I want to say a few things before I say a few things by way of an introduction. The first thing to say is my objective and my goal is to make known to you the truth for the sake of the truth, for the sake of the God of the truth who is to be honored. A second and corollary purpose is to let you know that the worship of Mary is, in fact, an idolatry that is displeasing to God. And I say that because it's critically important that we understand what it is that God desires and what it is He blesses and what it is that He rejects and punishes.Now I want to break this up into several components. It's important, to begin with, to understand what the Roman Catholic Church and the people in the Roman Catholic system have and do believe about Mary. So we're going to begin with a look at what has been written and said and established about her. Then we're going to move from that into specific dogma, when the Church has absolutely laid down an absolute dogma regarding Mary, we'll take a look at that. Thirdly, we'll compare that with Scripture. And then finally, we'll conclude with a comparison of this to other texts of Scripture that relate to forms of idolatry, false gods and blasphemy of worshiping any other than the true and living God...
Pastor John MacArthur
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