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The Amazing Truth of the Bible

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, in recent weeks we have stated clearly and with great confidence the belief that the Bible is God's revealed inspired Word. The historic Christian faith is built upon the confidence that this Book is God-breathed. And that particular point we have endeavored to establish now for several weeks.It is infallible. That is, it does not lead to error. It does not lead to wrong conclusions. It does not teach erroneous doctrine. It is also inerrant. That means in the smallest part, each word, there is no error in the original manuscript. And it is authoritative. That means what it says is binding on the lives of all.And I'd like to add to that that it is trustworthy. The Bible is believable. The strongest objective support for Biblical inspiration and authority is the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. That's the strongest objective testimony. The greatest witness to the truth of the Bible that ever lived was Jesus Christ. If Jesus said it's true, it's true. That's the greatest support. There can be no more reliable witness to the nature of Scripture than the one who died and rose to be the Savior, Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ rules His church by His Spirit and by His Word. This is the divine authority. He Himself has said so.And recently, though, there has been a rather destructive heresy that has crept into Christianity, and that is the heresy that says the Bible contains errors. If something is taught in Scripture, they tell us, it may or may not be true. It may be true, but, then again, it may not be true. In other words, Scripture isn't really a basis for believing anything...
Pastor John MacArthur
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