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(1 Samuel) What Happens by Chance

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After an amazing 7 months of affliction because of the Ark of God, the Philistines finally decide to send the Ark back to the people of Israel with an offering to show their humility towards the Lord. They had learned lesson from their Biblical history in that would no longer harden their hearts towards the Lord as the Egyptians had done inb the time of Moses. But before sending the Ark back they decided to perform on last test to see if what had happened was at the hand of the Lord or all the events had just happened by chance. They placed the Ark on a cart pulled by 2 milk cows, which had never pulled anything before in their lives, they took the cows from their calves, set them on a road they had never been on and sent them away with no driver. The philistines had 'stacked the deck' against God to see if it was actually Him who had punished them for these 7 months. So they stood back and watched in amazement as the cows took the exact route to Bethshemesh guided by the invisible hand of Almighty God, God will get His glory even if He has to glorify Himself.

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