Samuel, Saul and David, three of the most memorable people to appear in the scriptures made choices early on in their lives that would influence their entire lives from then on. As a child Samuel served in the house of the Lord at Shiloh under Eli the High priest, Eli had chosen not to rebuke his sons for their wickedness and for this the Lord held him responsible, one night the Lord told Samuel, still a child, to tell Eli that he would take the priesthood from Eli. Eli asked Samuel what the Lord had said and Samuel told him everything. He chose to obey the Lord over popularity. Saul was anointed king over Israel but in a moment of panic offered a sacrifice to the Lord which was forbidden to do, when Samuel, now the prophet of God, challenged him Saul chose to make excuses for his actions instead of repenting. David was a man after God's own heart and chose to love the Lord when he was alone with the sheep in the fields where there were none to see him, David still a boy became and man of God and most likely in this time wrote Psalm 23.