This was a time of national calamity for the people of Israel, the Ark of God was taken, Israel had been brutally defeated and the two sons of the High Priest had been slain. The wife of Phinehas one of the dead priests was so destressed by the news that she went into labour and gave birth to a son and yet this could not lift her spirits and shortly after naming him Ichabod the glory has deoarted she died, having given up all hope. The glory of God had deprated but not when they lost the battle but when they had put their trust in the Ark of God and not the God of the Ark. But The Lord was not worried that the Ark had been taken and this is shown in the mighty events that followed... The Ark was brought into the temple of the Philistine god Dagon, but after just one day the statue of Dagon was found prostrate before the Ark of the Lord as if it were worshipping God. Depsite this mighty sign the Philistines would not turn to God so he afflicted them with tumours, probably hemeroids, as the Lord wanted them to repent and turn to him, but they didn't and they tried to push God away by moving the Ark from them but the Lord would not leave because He is great and mercy and persistence.