Site Terms of Service

Welcome! This is a Christian forum to post your prayer requests and reply to others. Once you register for your free sign in account, you can post right away. It should only take a moment.

Prayers are only allowed to be made to the One and Only God, through his One and Only Son Jesus Christ. Prayers elevating or asking intercession of any one else such as Mary, Joseph, Peter, or the saints are not allowed. Prayers should also include that they are made in Jesus' name.

Please do not specify your contact information or attempt to solicit other people here. Other types of inappropriate prayers or actions may also result in closing your access to this system. These rules may change at any time without notice. In our sole discretion, we reserve the right to apply these rules and to deny access to anyone at any time for any reason. By using this site, you agree that we may automatically create an account for you to enable full site access and functionality. Continued use of this site constitutes acceptance of these terms.

Please do not post personal information such as names, dates, and places of anyone - yourself or others. Any materials which you post here may remain here indefinitely and be seen by anyone in the world forever including public search engines, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. You will not require us to delete any of your account information or remove any of your posts. To mitigate the effects of when this does happen, we may edit any information in a post in our sole discretion without notice.

Please limit your new prayer request threads to one new thread per 60 minutes. Otherwise, the site can become hard for others to use. You can submit multiple prayer requests in a single thread. Please see the Knowledge Base article at for more details.

You acknowledge that any post made by you on the Site is public, without restriction. If you don't want your posts permanently made public, do not use the Site. The Internet is public. It is also permanent. Once a post has been online, it is generally preserved in the cache of search engines. It will also be available via simple search for as long as any search engine exists. Using or posting to the Site is a service with value even if there is no upfront monetary charge to you for it. In exchange for the value of using or posting to the Site, you grant the owners of the Site a permanent, irrevocable license to use any materials you post to the Site ("User Content") including permission to use the materials in search engines, social media sites, email and similar outlets used in connection with the Site. By posting User Content on the Site, you warrant and represent that you own the rights in and to the User Content or are otherwise authorized to post, distribute, display, perform, transmit, or otherwise distribute User Content.

Please see our separate Privacy Policy linked at the bottom of each page for additional information about how we handle your data.

We are glad to have you join us!

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